Brandt, Joke van den

Joke van den Brandt

* 1937


– Graduate in Litterature

– Studied Calligraphy at the Fach-Hochschule Aachen (Germany)

– Studied Codicology & Paleography at the University of Brussels

– Main works: Calligraphy: charters, posters, illustrations, bibliophilistic books, awards, exlibris etc.

– Exhibitions in Belgium and abroad (Italy, Hungary, Austria, Germany, The Netherlands)

– Founder & President of the Calligraphy Association “Kalligrafia” 

 Exlibris-Werkliste Joke van den Brandt

Exlibris für Horstfried Masthoff, E/P7/2/col, 2001
Exlibris für Koen Van Winckel & Annemie Bos, E/P7/2, 1995
Exlibris für James P. Keenan, E/S/col, 2000
Exlibris für Klaus Thoms, E/P7/2, 1999
Exlibris für Kaatje van Damme, E, 2013
Eigen-Exlibris, E, 2002
Exlibris für Elsbeth Rhonheimer, E, 2005

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